Why do periodontists recommend periodontal flap  surgery?

Why do periodontists recommend periodontal flap surgery?

Periodontal flap surgery is by far the most common surgery done in patients who suffer from gum  disease, patients who do not respond to non-surgical therapy and the ones who have moderate to  severe periodontitis. 

Periodontal disease can cause extensive damage to the supporting structures of your teeth and  eventually lead to tooth loss. 

periodontist gum surgery

What does the periodontist do in open flap surgery?

Firstly all the tartar and debris is removed by the process of scaling and root planing. 

A few days after the non-surgical therapy, open flap surgery is planned. To start with local anesthesia  is given to numb the gums completely. Once numb, a small incision is given to raise the flap of tissue  and expose the underlying structures. 

Next all the inflamed tissue and necrotic debris is removed and any osseous recontouring if needed  is done to prevent any reinfection. 

The tissue is then put back in place with the help of sutures.

periodontal flap surgery before and after

 Before Surgery

gum flap surgery before and after

 After Surgery

What post-operative care should be taken? 

A few patients experience some discomfort after the surgery. So, we need tp do gum flap surgery after care. Antibiotics for the antibacterial effect  and Anti-inflammatory medication is prescribed for pain relief. Also instructions to eat soft and cold  foods are given. Hot and spicy foods to be avoided as they are not friendly to the gums. Spitting to be  avoided for the next 24 hours as it can cause the site to bleed due to buildup of negative pressure. 

Strenuous exercise to be avoided at least 2-3 days post surgery as it can cause secondary bleeding. Hence, periodontal flap surgery can save teeth affected by periodontal disease. Your gums should be pink and healthy again post surgery.

gum flap surgery after care

How to maintain the health of your gums? 

Every 6 months a dental checkup is important to check for any signs of recurrence and reinforce  maintenance. Also a professional oral prophylaxis is important every 6 months to assist your daily  regime. 

We at Smilex International Dental Centre, one of the best dental clinics in pune are committed to provide  premier dental care to all our patients. We can advise you on all the care needed to prevent gum  disease and can help you in recognizing the early signs of gum problems.

If you are looking for periodontist near me, So wait no more. Get your dental checkup done at the earliest by the best periodontists in Pune,  Smilex International Dental Centre. 

As the famous quote goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure’, so prevent gum disease by getting your  half yearly oral prophylaxis done and an expert opinion on your gum health. Help us to keep your  gums healthy and smile perfect. 

By Dr. Gurbani Kaur

 Periodontist & Senior Dental Specialist

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