Full Mouth Dental Implants

Problems with Loose Denture

Blister Development
Headaches and Earaches
Eating and Speaking Difficulties
Bad Odor in the Mouth
Bone Shrinkage


All-on-4 Implant Technology (A US FDA approved treatment)

All-on-4 is a revolutionary approach developed over a decade ago, which allows the rehabilitation of totally edentulous patients with the placement of only 4 titanium implants in each jaw, through a quick and minimally invasive procedure. The Implants act as a foundation for the Bridge, which allows the placement of a fixed set of teeth, in all similar to natural teeth. This technique stabilizes bone levels, keeping the jaws healthy. By tilting 45° the two posterior implants, the All-on-4 allows even those patients with virtually no bone to have fixed teeth without need of bone transplant. The result is a fixed (non-removable) natural looking dentition, indistinguishable from natural teeth.

The All-on-4 clinical solution has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and to allow for Immediate Function.

Cases at Smilex International Dental Centre

Case 3: All-on-4 Implant Placement

How Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Different From Dentures?

  • They are permanent teeth that are brushed and cleaned like natural teeth.
  • Do not have to be taken out.
  • Do not need adhesives.
  • Are comfortable because they do not press down on your gums.
  • Allow you to experience the hot and cold of your food, as well as the taste.

  • Allow you to bite with increased force (up to 70% more), so you can eat all of your favorite foods again.

  • Prevent bone deterioration.

  • Restore your facial features.

Benefits of
All-on-4 Implant

  • Stability Even In Minimum Bone Volume: By tilting the two posterior implants, longer implants can be used in minimum bone volume, increasing bone-to-implant contact and reducing the need for vertical bone augmentation. The tilted posterior implants can be anchored in better quality anterior bone, reducing cantilevers and thus improving support of the prosthesis.

  • Good Clinical Results: Biomechanical measurements show that tilted implants, when part of prosthetic support, do not have a negative effect on the load distribution. The tilting of implants has been used in clinical practice for over 2 decades and has shown good results.
  • Increased Efficiency: Efficient treatment flow results in shorter treatment times and improved patient satisfaction.

Advanced Dental Implant Technology

Edentulism in India

Edentulism is loss of teeth which can affect your ability to eat and speak clearly. Dentists use the term “edentulism” to describe total tooth loss and “partial edentulism” to describe the loss of one or more teeth.

Due to its high prevalence and its effect on general health, edentulism qualifies itself as a public health problem. The high prevalence of edentulism in India (15.3 %) is consistent with other findings.

The high prevalence of edentulism in India (15.3 %) is consistent with other findings. The World Health Organization [Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (2002: Geneva, Switzerland) Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: report of a joint WHO/FAO expert consultation, Geneva, 28 Jan -1 Feb 2002. (WHO technical report series; 916) 160 pages.] estimated the prevalence of edentulism among 65–74 year olds in India at 19 %.

Tooth loss remains a significant deterrent to oral health and adversely affects the dietary intake and nutritional status of individuals compromising their general health. It is a debilitating and irreversible condition and is considered as the “final marker of disease burden for oral health.” In adults, the number of tooth loss can be viewed as an index of lifetime accumulation of poor oral health which mainly stems from untreated dental caries and periodontal disease.

Edentulism has a significant effect on quality of life outlined by the contribution of more than a third to oral disorder disability burden globally. While edentulism primarily affects normal day to day functions such as mastication and speech, it eventually leads to systemic effects such as nutrition, diabetes, and cardiovascular complications. Edentulism can be broadly divided into partial and complete edentulism. It represents a state of disability that the person carries for life unless prosthetically rehabilitated.