How is a Smile Makeover Done?

How is a Smile Makeover Done?

“A smile is the best make-up you can wear.” Your smile is the first thing people notice about you and a confident mind speaks volumes about your personality.
A smile makeover is a cosmetic procedure that modifies your smile so that you have that beautiful smile you dreamed of and wanted to have. A cosmetic dentist plays a vital role in helping to create the perfect smile.

What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover includes a variety of cosmetic procedures that help perfect your smile. An appointment with the cosmetic dentist where you discuss your concerns and determine what exactly needs to be done as well as the options available will be the first step in attaining that perfect smile. Knowing what procedures are usually done during a smile makeover will help you make an informed decision. You is a list of problems that benefit from a smile makeover.

    A smile makeover can help mal-aligned teeth by straightening and properly aligning them.
    Veneers or Lumineers can fix cracked and chipped teeth in a smile makeover.
    A smile makeover involves the use of teeth whitening procedures to improve and brighten the color of your teeth.
    In some cases where whitening may not be sufficient, the cosmetic dentist may use crowns, veneers, Lumineers to get the desired color/shade of teeth.
    Smile makeovers include replacing any missing teeth with dental implants or bridges to make you smile whole and complete.
    If you have spacing in your teeth and do not have the time or the money to get orthodontic treatment done then a cosmetic dentist can handle the spacing and alignment issues to give you a smile makeover.
    Smile makeover can deal with small-sized teeth by reshaping them or lengthening the teeth. Tooth proportions are also balanced to give an even smile.
    Crooked teeth are evened out in a smile makeover.

How is a Smile Makeover Done?

There are many procedures that cosmetic dentists use for smile makeovers. These include crowns and bridges, dental implants, veneers, composite bonding, teeth whitening and laser procedures.

    Crowns are a great option for Dental makeovers. whether it’s a cracked tooth, missing tooth, blackened tooth or a misshapen tooth. Crowns are the go-to option as they give excellent aesthetic as well as coverage to the tooth.
    Dental bridges or implants are used for replacing missing tooth/ teeth.
    Porcelain veneers are tensions that can be bonded to the front of your teeth to attain the desired shape, size, length or color of teeth. They are a common procedure and smile makeovers as they can fix multiple issues at the same time.
    Composite bonding improves the appearance of your teeth. It can be used to close gaps in between front teeth, to reshape teeth, to increase the length of teeth and to correct surface irregularities of front teeth.
    Teeth whitening is a great solution for people with slightly yellow teeth. This process bleaches your teeth to provide a lighter and brighter shade. It is safe, convenient and a popular treatment with young and old alike. However, it does not work well for severely discolored teeth, brown or grey colored teeth, veneers, crowns or fillings.
    In these cases, crowns and veneers are the treatment of choice.

How to Get a Smile Makeover?

The first step to attaining your dream smile is to fix an appointment with your cosmetic dentist. They will help you decide exactly what procedures will help you achieve your desired smile.
Your cosmetic dentist will check your oral health to make sure you are ready for a smile makeover or whether any oral health issues Need to be addressed first. This will include checking your gums, teeth, underlying bone structure and your bite.

Once your full mouth evaluation is complete, they will discuss all the available options. Every smile makeover is customized as per the patient’s specific needs. Once you have decided with the dentist about the procedures you need and want to get done, your smile makeover will start.

However, your smile makeover will need multiple appointments and visits. Depending on the number of corrective procedures required the dentist will inform you whether you will need a few visits on more.
After your smile makeover is done, it’s important to maintain the makeover and this will require good oral hygiene maintenance, annual professional dental cleaning of teeth and regular checkups at the dentist at least once a year.

Smilex International dental Centre is the best place for a smile makeover in Pune. We have a team of the best implantologists, orthodontists, and cosmetic dentists to discuss all your dental smile makeover concerns and provide you with beautiful, aesthetic and long-lasting results.


Dr. Anuja Chakravorty

Cosmetic Dentist


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