Journey with Invisalign

Journey with Invisalign

Do crooked or crowded teeth make you feel self-conscious about your smile? Maybe you had treatment as a child, and your teeth have relapsed, or perhaps orthodontics weren’t in your family’s budget at the time.

If you have been avoiding treatment as an adult because you don’t want to commit to traditional metal braces, you’ll be pleased to know that you have a more comfortable option at best dental clinic in Pune, for getting your smile in shape. Invisalign is a short-term orthodontic treatment designed with your busy lifestyle in mind. Crystal-clear aligners won’t impact your appearance or irritate tissues in your mouth as metal braces can. The Best Orthodontist in Pune at Smilex will help you through your journey of Invisalign.

Invisalign in 3 Steps

Before you consider investing in Invisalign, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the process to see if it sounds like something you want to commit to.

Step 1: Treatment Planning and Scanning

The only way you will know if Invisalign is right for you is to talk to The Best Orthodontist in Pune, first so they can evaluate your needs.

If you are a good candidate, your Orthodontist starts by taking digital images, x-rays and scans of your teeth. These details are used to plan out the movement of your teeth during treatment and sent to a custom lab where several sets of Invisalign aligners are fabricated.

Step 2: Wearing Your Aligners

When your aligners are ready, your Orthodontist will give you instructions for wearing them. Wear each set of aligners at least 22 hours a day for two weeks and remove them for meals and when you brush and floss. At the end of the two weeks, switch to the next set of aligners in the series. You will visit your Orthodontist periodically throughout the process so they can check on your progress. And the best part about the aligners is that you don’t have to visit frequently to your Orthodontist for check-up. Visits can be scheduled after every 2-3 months according to your convenience. If you are travelling abroad the treatment can be monitored remotely.

Step 3: Wearing Your Retainer

Invisalign treatment for adults generally takes 12 to 15 months, but you must wear your aligners exactly as directed by your Orthodontist to achieve desired results in this length of time. When you finish the aligner phase, you will receive a retainer that you must wear as instructed by your Orthodontist to maintain the results.

Call for Your Invisalign Consultation

If you’ve been thinking about Invisalign and would like more information, please call Smilex International Dental Centre to schedule a consultation with one of our best Orthodontist doctor. We look forward to helping you achieve your smile goals!

Dr. Vanita Bajaj

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