Most of us wish that we could fix the flaws in our smile instantly and without having to spend hours upon hours in a dental chair. I’ve yet to find the treatment that will instantly straighten your teeth and resolve bite issues, but there is a great way you can undergo orthodontic treatment without the hassle of metal braces – or better yet, without people even knowing that you’re having work done!

At Smilex International Dental Centre, we offer Invisalign treatment to gradually straighten teeth using invisible trays. Invisalign uses a series of plastic aligners to move the teeth into a more appropriate position. The aligners are virtually invisible, and it’s possible that your friends and family members will not even know that you’re undergoing any type of treatment.

How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile

Invisalign is a great option for patients who do not want to deal with the embarrassment of traditional braces. Invisalign can correct crooked teeth, gaps in teeth, overbites and underbites. The treatment fits over each arch of teeth snuggly, and the trays can be easily removed for cleaning and eating.

Our patients have found that Invisalign is minimally invasive and easily blends in with their daily life. Invisalign does not use metal or wires, and you don’t have to undergo wire changes or tightenings like you would with conventional metal braces.

The best part of the entire Invisalign treatment is that you can maintain your professional life without the embarrassment of people knowing about your treatment. No working professional wants to walk around at their place of work wearing distracting metal braces for two years or longer. With Invisalign, that’s no longer an issue. You don’t have to worry about soreness or discomfort caused by metal, and the trays do not affect your speech.

See Your Smile Before You Begin Your Treatment

How many times in your life do you get to see a product or treatment before you commit to it? It’s rare that we get to test drive every product or see exactly what treatment will look like before we purchase it. Today, everything seems to come in impossible-to-open plastic packages, leaving us to guess exactly how the item works. That’s not the case with Invisalign. We can show you exactly how your teeth will look at the beginning, middle and end of your treatment just by doing the 3D scan.

The Invisalign uses 3-D scans of our mouth to determine the most appropriate focus of each aligner. This incredible tool lets the patient see the transformative power of Invisalign. While it can sometimes be hard for patients to see day-to-day results, the Invisalign Outcome Simulator gives patients a view of the big picture. We use the simulator to map out the entire treatment, down to the last aligner and will show you exactly what teeth will be effective at every stage of your treatment.

Invisalign treatment usually takes between 12 and 18 months, but some of our patients have completed their treatment in less than a year. Once your treatment is over, we will create a retainer that you will wear at night to keep your teeth in position.

Invisalign requires fewer visits to our office than traditional metal braces – we advise that you schedule appointments once every six weeks – and you will swap out your aligners once every two weeks. You’ll find that the aligners will feel tight for a few days, but patients often experience little to no discomfort throughout the course of their treatment.

If you’re ready to hear or see how Invisalign can transform your smile, call our office Smilex International Dental Centre, one of the best dental clinics in pune today. We love hearing from new patients and helping them overcome their dental hurdles. We do not rush patients or encourage them to undergo treatment that is not absolutely right for them. We simply want to educate you about your options and help make your smile beautiful!