Why is Dental Implant so popular? How Do You Care For Dental Implants?

Why is Dental Implant so popular? How Do You Care For Dental Implants?

The next best thing to real teeth are Dental Implants. They are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth so you can be confident in your smile. And, Dental Implants may actually provide better long-term value than conventional teeth replacement options.

1. Natural look and comfortable fit

Dental implants are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. In addition, implants give patients the confidence to smile, eat, and engage in social activities without worrying about how they look or if their dentures will fall out.

2. Long-lasting and reliable

With proper care and maintenance, implants last as long as conventional restorations on teeth, with predictable outcomes.

3. High success rate

Well planned and cared for dental implants generally offer ‘survival rates’ comparable or better than other teeth replacement options. And, as implant technology and techniques improve, so should their success rate. People in good health have the best chance for successful implants.

4. Improved ability to eat and chew

Dental implants are anchored in your jaw bone just like natural teeth. Over time they will help preserve the jaw bone and significantly reduce bone resorption. Replacing missing teeth with implants allow you to chew your food better and speak more clearly.

5. Improved facial and bone features

Dental implants preserve natural tooth tissue by avoiding the need to cut down adjacent teeth for conventional bridgework. They also will preserve bone and significantly reduce bone resorption and deterioration that results in loss of jawbone height. Dental implants also help restore your jawbone structure because they reduce the load on the remaining oral structures/teeth and preserve natural tooth tissue and reduce bone resorption and deterioration that results in loss of jawbone height.

Because of all these advantages, dental implants provide excellent long-term value and can be a terrific investment in long-term oral health.

Implant Surgery Overview

In this process our Implantologist – Providing Best Dental Implants In Pune will place the implant in your jaw bone, right below the gums. This surgery usually takes about 1 hour for the implant being placed. After this step is complete, we will wait about 3 months before the final restoration of the tooth replacement.

1. Evaluation

The first step will be getting your teeth, gums, and jawbone evaluated. An important part of this initial assessment is determining whether you have enough healthy jawbone to maintain the implant.

2. Placing the implant

If you have an endosteal implant:
1. An Implantologist will cut the gum, exposing the jawbone underneath.
2. Holes will be drilled deep into the bone, where the implant post will be inserted.
3. If you choose, a temporary, removable denture can be placed over the hole, for aesthetic purposes, until the permanent tooth can be attached to the implant.

If you have a subperiosteal implant, your jawbone won’t be drilled, and the implant post will be placed on or above the bone.

No matter which type of implant you receive, you can expect to feel some discomfort and swelling afterwards. This may last for several days. Most people find that they can resume their daily activities the day after a dental implant has been placed.

3. Osseointegration

After the dental implant is placed, it will take anywhere from 2 to 6 months before enough new bone growth occurs around the screw. This process is known as osseointegration, meaning “combining with the bone.”
During osseointegration, natural jaw bone will strengthen and grow around the dental implant. This keeps it firmly in place, so it can function as the artificial tooth’s root.

4. Abutment placement

A metal extender called an abutment is typically added to the implant. This may be done during the initial procedure or during a second minor procedure under a local anesthetic.

5. Placing the tooth

Once healing is complete, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth so that your permanent replacement tooth or teeth can be made to fit. These can be fixed or removable.

For single implants

1. Clean at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush
2. Use a low-abrasive toothpaste
3. Brush under and around the implant crown
4. Use a nylon coated interdental brush to clean hard-to-reach places
5. Floss daily with unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss
6. Use a recommended oral irrigator

For overdentures

1. Remove denture daily and soak in specific cleaner for recommended time
2. Inspect o-rings, locator caps, and clips and alert your dentist if worn or missing
3. Gently brush the underside of the denture with a denture brush
4. Rinse overdenture thoroughly with water before placing it into your mouth
5. Talk with your dentist about replacing O-rings and locator caps once a year

Implants are a profoundly successful medical procedure despite the atypical cleaning challenges they present. The prevention of peri-implant disease is paramount to implant health and function. How you care for your implant is an important part of success.

With all these measures the implant screw itself can last a lifetime, assuming the patient receives regular dental check-ups every 6 months.

Well for people concerned about the void in mouth after extraction of your teeth we also have Implantologist –Providing Best Dental Implants In Pune performing Immediate implant placement which is a placement of a dental implant at the time of tooth extraction, into the extraction socket.

Advantages of Immediate implant placement

1. Patient acceptability.
2. Reduces the treatment time & interval during the transitional period.
3. Socket as a guide for determination of parallelism & alignment to the opposing & adjacent teeth.
4. Surgeons can position the implant more favorably than the original position.
5. Facilitates final restoration & minimizes need for severely angled abutments /fabrication of telescopic copings.
6. Implants in extraction sites can be placed in the same position as the extracted teeth.
7. Maintenance of soft tissue profile.
8. Prevention of bone loss in both vertical and horizontal directions.

Implants can also be used to help stabilize a denture for comfort and function. To ensure the longevity of an implant, specific techniques and efforts are necessary to keep it clean and free of destructive bacteria and plaque, which can cause infection in the tissues around the implant and lead to failure. Without tenacious biofilm removal, peri-implantitis can develop and result in implant loss. Implantologist – Providing Best Dental Implants In Pune ensures keeping your dental implants disease-free.

Get your tooth(teeth) replaced by placing Dental Implants at Smilex International Dental Care Centre – The Best Dental Clinic In Pune and get World Class treatment from our Implantologist – Providing Best Dental Implants In Pune.

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