Answers to every question about Root Canal Treatment

Answers to every question about Root Canal Treatment

A Root Canal Treatment is a routine procedure regularly advised by dentists to treat damaged or decayed teeth. Millions of Root Canal treatments are done all over the world to save teeth, relieve pain and provide patients with healthy and happy smiles.

Why do we need a Root Canal

Your teeth are made up of three layers – the outermost hard layer called enamel, the second layer called dentin and the innermost soft part called pulp that contains the blood vessels and nerves that nourish the tooth. When the pulp of a tooth gets injured, inflamed or infected you might experience pain or sensitivity in that tooth. Common causes for injured, inflamed or infected pulp include

  • deep decay/ cavity in the tooth
  • chipped or cracked tooth
  • secondary decay under previously done old fillings
  • injury to the tooth (sometimes sudden trauma to a tooth may result in injury to the pulp even though you don’t chip or fracture the tooth)

What is a Root Canal Treatment?
A modern root canal treatment is more like a routine filling and can be completed in one or two sittings depending on the condition of your tooth. The entire procedure of a root canal treatment involves the following steps

  • Local Anesthetic – Before beginning the root canal procedure the Dentist will spray some topical anesthetic on the gums near the affected tooth. Once you feel numbness in that area, local anesthesia will be injected in the gums. This helps in making the entire procedure painless and comfortable.
  • Removing the pulp tissue – The Dentist or Endodontist will then drill a small hole in the tooth to access the pulp chamber and remove the infected pulp. Tiny instruments called files are used along with an irrigation solution to remove the pulp tissue and care is taken to ensure that all the pulp tissue is removed from the pathways or canals in the roots of your teeth. X-rays will be taken to confirm the length of the root canals at this stage.
  • Sealing the Root Canal – Once the pulp tissue is completely removed, the root canals are shaped and disinfected to receive the filling material, which comprises a sealer paste and a rubber like material called guttapercha. Oral antibiotics and pain medication may also be prescribed for a few days.
  • Temporary filling- The procedure ends with the Dentist plugging the small hole on top of the tooth with soft, temporary cement to seal the tooth and to prevent saliva and food particles from entering and affecting the tooth.

Care after Root canal Treatment:
You can resume your daily activities on the same day after the Root canal Treatment but remember to take the prescribed medications diligently and on time.
You must avoid chewing or biting on the side of the Root canal treated tooth and only start eating on that side once the crown has been placed on the tooth
Contact your dentist in case of persistent pain or swelling that lasts for more than a few days.

Follow-up after Root Canal Treatment
You will be called for a check-up after a few days and the temporary filling will be replaced with a permanent filling.
Permanent crowns made of metal or porcelain are also advised after a Root canal Treatment in Pune as they provide strength and a realistic appearance to the Root Canal treated tooth.
It may take several weeks for you to get used to how the tooth feels after the entire procedure but this is absolutely normal and no cause for concern.

Advantages of getting a Root Canal Treatment

  • Normal biting/ chewing is restored
  • Other teeth are protected from excessive wear and strain
  • Natural appearance of teeth
  • Economical (extracting the same tooth instead and getting a bridge done to replace the tooth is more expensive as compared to getting a Root Canal Treatment and crown done on the same tooth)

Tips to prevent Root Canal Treatment and future decay in teeth

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a circular or sweeping motion making sure not to apply excessive force while brushing.
  • Use a toothpaste with fluoride in it.
  • Floss at least once a day to prevent future decay.
  • Avoid sugary and acidic food and drinks for healthier teeth.
  • Get regular cleanings to screen your teeth and keep them healthy and free from infection. A Root Canal is a restorative procedure and its longevity depends on your oral hygiene. With proper care and maintenance most, people enjoy its positive effects all their lives.
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