Invisalign treatment after 40’s: It’s not too late to get your teeth straightened!

Invisalign treatment after 40’s: It’s not too late to get your teeth straightened!


There are a few reasons adults over the age of 40 put off getting their teeth straightened. You might feel you’re too old and that you’ve missed your chance. Or the thought of wearing traditional braces might make you feel self-conscious.

But the good news is, it’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. And you can do it discreetly with Invisalign treatment.

What is Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment involves wearing a set of virtually-invisible, bespoke aligners that discreetly straighten your teeth. They don’t have metal wires or brackets like traditional braces, which means they often go unnoticed. What’s more, you can remove the clear aligners to eat food and brush your teeth.

Is there an age limit for Invisalign treatment?

People assume that orthodontic treatment is only available to children and teenagers. This simply isn’t the case.
While it’s common to get treated for crooked teeth when you’re young, there’s nothing stopping you from getting it done in later life.

How do I know if I’m suitable for Invisalign treatment?

You’ll need to attend a consultation beforehand with a Best orthodontist in pune so they can assess your teeth and gums. They need to be healthy in order for Invisalign treatment to be effective.

If there are any underlying issues with your teeth such as tooth decay, you’ll need to get them treated before you can start treatment.

How will Invisalign treatment benefit me?

If you feel conscious about your teeth, and find yourself reluctant to smile for photos, Invisalign treatment helps you regain your confidence by discreetly straightening your teeth.

What’s more, you can wear your aligners during social events – such as parties and dinners – without people noticing you’re wearing them. And they’re removable, which means you can eat, drink, brush, and floss without any hassle.

Invisalign braces also fix crowded teeth, which in turn can improve your oral health. Overcrowding makes it harder for you to clean your teeth properly. This could put you at risk of oral health problems, such as gum disease – which can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss.

How does treatment work?

Invisalign treatment straightens your teeth using a set of custom-made, virtually-invisible aligners. So, it’s not obvious that you’re having teeth straightening treatment.

You need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day. And treatment takes around nine to 15 months on average – but it can take as little as three months1 depending on your individual needs.

Why should I choose Smilex International Dental Centre?

After training as dentists, our orthodontists in Pune are committed to three more years of full-time study. This makes us teeth straightening specialists, which means we’re dedicated to helping you achieve a straighter and healthier smile.

We’ve helped hundreds of thousands of patients, of all ages, straighten their teeth and improve their smile.

Interested in getting your teeth straightened with Invisalign treatment?

The next step is to book a consultation at Smilex International Dental Centre, where our Best Orthodontist will assess your eligibility for Invisalign braces.

why not book your consultation today?

Dr. Vanita Bajaj


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