Everything you need to know about teeth whitening

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Everything you need to know about teeth whitening

The confidence in our smile creates a lasting impression on the people we meet. It resonates our vitality and warmth while radiating positive energy to those around us. But what is the confidence down to? The whiteness of your teeth. 

Our pearly whites contribute significantly to our aesthetic appeal. However, losing that aspect can psychologically and emotionally dent your confidence. If you wish to restore your teeth to its natural shade, you should undergo the process of teeth whitening at the best dental clinic in Pune or elsewhere

But first, let’s look at the reasons responsible for the discoloration of your teeth. 

  • Diet – It’s a popular fact that the quality of your diet determines your physique and overall being. The better food you have, the more energetic and healthier you will feel. The proposition holds similar for your teeth as well. There are several types of food that can harm the enamel of your teeth, and lead to its discoloration. Let’s take coffee, for instance.

As your teeth are porous, they will naturally absorb the liquid you consume in your body. The darkness of the coffee, especially black coffee, can stain your teeth, even if you have only one or two cups a day. A similar problem goes for tea, soda, and other forms of liquid food as well. Therefore, you must take precautions and apply tips to soften the effect of these foods. For example, you can add a bit of milk to your coffee, which will lighten its color and reduce the staining of your teeth.

  • Smoking – It is well documented how smoking is harmful to the human body. Its adverse effects extend to your oral health as well. In fact, smoking is one of the top reasons for the discoloration of teeth due to the smoke stains. It not only destroys the enamel of teeth, which prevents your pearly whites from being discolored but also damages your gums. As a result, your gums become susceptible to fighting off infections and also affects the natural healing process. Hence, if you wish to maintain the natural look of your teeth, smoking should be a big no.
  • Poor oral hygiene – Oral hygiene is an essential aspect of a person’s overall health. It’s because poor oral hygiene is one of the most significant contributing factors to the discoloration of teeth. Years of neglect and improper maintenance of teeth destroy the enamel of teeth and leads to plaque. Some of the reasons for poor oral hygiene can be attributed to inadequate brushing, non-existent flossing, and not rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash from time to time. For example, every meal should be followed by flossing or rinsing with a mouth wash. A lack of it develops plaque which harms teeth on the longer-term. Therefore, do not neglect your oral hygiene. 
  • Medications – People, who purchase remedies for various ailments, always talk about the possible side-effects from consuming them. One such side-effect is the discoloration of teeth. For example, antibiotics such as tetracycline can discolor the teeth of children under the age of 8. Moreover, drugs for high blood pressure can also cause teeth discoloration. Therefore, you must consult with your physician/specialist doctor before consuming any form of antibiotic. 
  • Miscellaneous – Apart from the reasons mentioned above, they are several other factors that contribute to the discoloration of teeth. These factors are, unfortunately, beyond your control. For example, metal braces, used for straightening teeth, can leave a yellow or grey-black stain on your teeth if the brushing technique isn’t flawless. Or else, advancing age can lead to the natural decay of teeth. Then, there is genetics that comes into play. Some people have thicker enamel than others, which prevents excessive fluoride from causing teeth discoloration. Excessive fluoride is the result of high fluoride levels in water or excessive use of fluoride-based substances such as toothpaste, supplements, etc. 

How is teeth whitening done?

teeth whitening treatment                             

There are two main types of whitening procedures: in-office and at home. Let’s take a detailed look at both of them.

  • In-office: In-office here refers to the dentist’s clinic. Before your whitening procedure begins, your dentist will examine your health and dental history to look out for allergies and sensitivities. If required, X-rays might also be taken to determine the nature of cleaning and whitening of your teeth, as well as whitening agents being applied to the tooth surface. Based on the data, your dentist will recommend one of the following methods – 
  • Vital whitening – It is the most common type of teeth whitening, where the dentist will apply a gel-like whitening solution on the surface of your teeth. The gel is made of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Non-vital whitening – It is the type of treatment that whitens the inside of your teeth, which isn’t possible with vital whitening. The whitening agent is placed from inside the teeth and is left this way for several days till your tooth reaches the desired shade. 
  • Light-accelerated bleaching – Light accelerated bleaching is used to accelerate the whitening process. Once the paste of hydrogen peroxide is applied on your teeth, they will be exposed to a light source, most commonly, halogen, LED, or plasma arc, for about 6 to 15 minutes. 

This method is only recommended once you have had proper cleaning of your teeth, i.e. removing plaque and tartar. You’ll be advised to restrain from smoking, drinking red wine, or eating deeply colored foods to avoid causing any immediate stain post-treatment. 

  • At home – You can also apply some home remedies to whiten your teeth. For instance, baking soda acts as a safe, low abrasive, and efficient stain removal. It has acidic components which are biologically antibacterial and prevents the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Moreover, being less abrasive, it won’t be harmful to your dental tissue. Other conventional methods include rinsing with a mouth wash, toothpaste, whitening gel, etc. 

So, get your teeth whitening treatment  in pune at the best dental clinic in Pune or elsewhere, and lead your life back to blissful normalcy!

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