Best Orthodontist in Pune

Orthodontics Braces

Orthodontic Braces correct the crowding of teeth and straightens them. This not only enhances your smile but also gives you confidence that further adds to your overall personality.

Orthodontics or speciality of braces is a branch which is more than 100 years old. With the scientific base and study, Orthodontists can straighten an irregular set of teeth with braces, and also correct protruded teeth.

SMILEX Centre is the best dental clinic in Pune, offers treatment by some of the best orthodontist in Pune & is equipped with state of art Braces including Steel, Ceramic, Lingual, Removable, Invisible Braces, etc. We have treated thousands of patients in the last 2 decades of clinical practice with different types of Braces.

For growing children with jaw problems either removable or a combination of removable and fixed steel Braces are used. For adolescent patients’ steel, ceramic or lingual braces are used according to the need and requirement of the case. At Smilex, the braces chosen for you offer high-precision & great comfort using the most advanced technology and skills of some of the best orthodontist in Pune.

The treatment outcome is highly predictable with a high number of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment. Ceramic braces and lingual braces are some of the choices of treatment. If the general condition of a patient is good, the orthodontic treatment can be done at any age, with less visible or invisible braces.

Braces For Adolescent Children / Young Adult

The majority of patients are seen in this category when malocclusion (crooked, protruded teeth) is observed. This is when children are still growing and a jaw correction treatment can be carried out in this age group.

Most of this age group (12 to 18 yrs) requires jaw correction plus braces treatment. Depending upon the requirement (malocclusion); extraction, known extraction, expansion are required. This is the most important age group for orthodontic treatment as self-esteem and psychological well being is of utmost importance for the transition to adulthood. Correcting their smile boosts self-esteem and makes them confident adults. Dr. Sonali Deshmukh is the best orthodontist in Pune and is very popular among this age group as she believes in the overall holistic approach to the dental problem.

Instructions Regarding Braces

Dietary Restrictions While Undergoing The Treatment

dental braces
  • Avoid sticky food- Chikkis, Chiclets, Chewing Gums, Sticky Chocolates, etc.
  • Avoid hard food- Chakli, Toasts, Nuts (almonds, groundnuts, walnuts), Non– veg without bones.

  • Do not bite directly from front teeth, especially on ice, apple, guava, sugarcane, sweet corn, etc.

  • Cut all the fruits into small pieces and eat from your back teeth. This will avoid any breakages and further discomfort.

  • While eating pizza use a fork and knife to cut into small pieces and use your back teeth to chew.

Brushing and Gum

orthodontist near me
  • Make sure you brush your teeth once in the morning and once before going to bed.
  • Gargling with the mouthwash should follow brushing to keep your mouth clean and free of cavities.
  • Proper use of orthodontic toothbrush should be done as advocated by your orthodontist.
  • Always gargle or brush your teeth (you can also do this without toothpaste) after you eat or snack in between your meals.
  • Massage your gums twice daily. Massaging your gums will strengthen your teeth as well as your gums. Remember ‘HEALTHY GUMS, HEALTHY TEETH’. Any sign of bleeding or swelling of the gums is of concern.


Orthodontic Case – I

(Case Done by Dr. Sonali Deshmukh M.D.S. / Orthodontist )

Anterior Crossbite Correction
Without Extraction Of Teeth

Orthodontic Case – II

(Case Done by Dr. Sonali Deshmukh M.D.S. / Orthodontist )

Correction Of Protruded
Small Lower Jaw

Orthodontic Case – III

(Case Done by Dr. Sonali Deshmukh M.D.S. / Orthodontist )

Deep – II Correction

Orthodontic Case – IV

(Case Done by Dr. Sonali Deshmukh M.D.S. / Orthodontist )

Correction of Open Bite

Orthodontic Case – V

(Case Done by Dr. Sonali Deshmukh M.D.S. / Orthodontist )

Case Treated With Aligner

Best Orthodontist Testimonials

Types of Braces

Fixed Braces

These are the braces, which are stuck onto the teeth with the help of chemicals. Broadly speaking, they are made up of steel or tooth-coloured ceramic. With the help of wire elastics, e-chains the teeth are pushed back. You might experience some discomfort and pain after the braces are placed. But with painkillers and time, patients get used to it. Fixed braces are used in cases where irregularity of teeth or malocclusion is more. Proper care should be taken in terms of brushing & cleaning of teeth regularly.

Different types of braces

Removable Appliances

These are the appliances which are made of acrylic (tooth-coloured or pink) and can be worn and removed by the patients. These are usually used for minor teeth and jaw corrections. They are very aesthetic and they require to be worn for 24 hours by the patient. These are usually called plates and need activation or supervision by an orthodontist every 1 month or 15 days. At Smilex, a team of best orthodontists in Pune provides you with complete supervision and guidance with regards to your appliances.

Different Types of Removable Appliances

Frequently Asked Questions

We would like to see your child for first orthodontic consultation as early as age 7-8 years.Many orthodontic problems are much easier to correct if detected at an early age, before jaw growth has slowed. Often, Interceptive orthodontic treatment can be done to reduce the need for major orthodontic treatment at a later age. Interceptive orthodontic treatment corrects problems such as severely crooked and crowded teeth, underbites and overbites, incorrect jaw position, and disorders of the TMJ (jaw joint).

Teeth may feel sore & eating may be difficult for a day or two.These problems gradually ease away as you get accustomed to the appliance/braces.

It depends on the severity of the problem. However most of the cases can be treated in about 18 to 24 months.It varies from patient to patient.

Usually it will be once in four or five weeks.

There are no diet restrictions. All you have to do is to avoid hard food,sticky food, chewing gum and candies during the entire treatment period.

You will not develop any new cavities if you follow your orthodontist’s advice for special brushing instruction and use the fluoride mouth rinse regularly.

At first it will be difficult and will take longer time to brush your teeth.Once you learn,you will find it easy to clean your teeth even with the appliance.

Retainers should be worn usually for a period of one year.The type and duration of retention depends upon the severity of the case.

Brackets are also fabricated using ceramics,nickel free stainless steel,gold plated metals,etc.

No. If the gums are healthy then Orthodontic treatment can be done upto 60-70 years.

After observation of all the x-rays(Lateral cephalogram,OPG) and study models,it will be decided whether extraction is needed or not. If your teeth are severely crowded (because your mouth is too small to properly accommodate all of them) or if you have impacted teeth (teeth that are trapped beneath the gum line by other teeth) then extraction may be necessary. In the case of younger patients, early treatment may make extraction unnecessary.

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